Friday, February 1, 2008

Recently "Noted"

I just discovered the Google Notebook feature last week - it's such a convenient way to "store" all of my newly discovered links. What I like about it that is different (and better than) bookmarking, is that it saves an image with the link and you can write a note with the "clip". So clever! Google does it again. See above for some neat places I recently recorded in my newly minted notebook.

From top:
ReForm School - Love this print for a great Valentine's day gift!
Village - another good V-day idea
Flight 001 - an awesome store concept for any traveller
Paris J'Taime - okay, not a website but currently my favorite movie. Watch this!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love that movie as well. Have you seen "ONCE"? I thought it was sweet and the soundtrack is awesome (I downloaded it).