Thursday, November 29, 2007

For the Birds...

Okay, this has to be my last bird post for awhile but I couldn't resist. My friend Amy sent me this wonderful link today for a jewelry stand at pottery barn (only $19!) She must have somehow noticed my freakish attraction to all things bird-related...It's kind of like when I was age 0-15 how I focused entirely too much of my attentions on horses. Hmmm...maybe I should redirect my obsession back to that (I already have a zillion Breyer horses to re-kickoff a collection). But haven't horses come back and gone out again already? I can't keep track. I think it's onto deer now...

Anyway, I think I'm going to have to carry a jewelry section at Flora and Fauna just so I can look at all of these wonderful things on my own time!

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